[SueNH] On the Dock & To Server and Protect

A loosely connected two part story, we have two different scenarios: be watched and watching, and a roadside “police action”.

Our protagonist Sue was taking a break in countryside cabin by a lake. The place was so good and relaxed, that she masturbate on the deck after a swim. And she got company. Instead of just being watched, she watched the couple getting hot from the sight of her “activities”, and then everyone had a lot of fun. Later on a grocery run, she got hot again and was pull over by a traffic cop from driving while touching (not the steering wheel, of course). And one thing led to another, the cop literally “serve and protect” Sue from burning up in ecstasy.

One of Sue’s strong point was her elaborate description of situations and environment. The effort she made to describe the surroundings of her cabin, as well as how she presented her ”driving under intoxication (of sex)”, was very convincing. And the sex, oh-so-delicious sex, put right up front in delightful details, I wouldn’t tell more; read them for yourself.

I like this kind of loosely connected stories. Multi-part series are good, but most of them are long. While those good series are a delight to read, it can be quite time consuming to read through ten or twenty episodes (and there were series that run that long). So shorter stories that are related are good, and Sue’s stories here are a great example.

Story: 9 (Relatively short snippets that are well constructed, simple yet interesting.)
Sex: 10 (Hotter than a meteor burning up in the atmosphere!)
Writing: 9 (As part of Sue’s earliest stories, the writing was polished and clean, easy to read.)

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[Cynthia] Boarding Pass

Travelling is not fun when it’s part of the job. Couldn’t get intimate with your mate is worse. Travelling and don’t have time for a hump is the worst. If you were in last situation, what will you do? That’s the question, and “Boarding Pass” offered one answer.

The couple arrived at the airport full of sexual tension after much travelling before, but both need to fly out for untold days more of work. They won’t see each other for some time more, and certainly not in a bedroom. With the clock ticking, they have to find a way to relieve themselves (pun intended). How they get to have sex in a busy airport is more hilarious and exciting than you would imagine.

Cynthia did a great job in describing a busy airport. She also captured the good old days, where people can greet their friends and family from their domestic flights, right outside the jet bridge. Ah, the good times, with no suicide terrorist pilots. Her greatest achievement, though, was to radiate the need of sex from the protagonists towards the reader. Consider this quote: “I’ve been simmering so long I could be sprinkled with tarragon and served over rice.” It worked wonderfully in allowing us to sympathise and suspend our disbelieve in how they found a place to have a quick one.
Sex: 10 (What a ride of “delayed gratification”!)
Writing: 10 (Well written and just short enough to get the audience “up”!)
Story: 10 (The tension is kept nicely right until the sex scene, the release was ecstatic, and the relaxation euphoric, as much to the couple as for the readers.)

[SueNH] Craftsmanship

Craftsman and shopper at a fair. What would happen between them? The shopper buy some thing from the craftsman, usually. But you shouldn’t think of anything that writer SueNH wrote as “the usual”.

Not that this story is complicated, just different. A shopper met a hunk of a glassblower in a fair. She found his glass products (and him as well) stimulating in a subtle, sexy way. He ask her to come over to his studio for a live demo. Turns out his stamina from working in front of hot furnaces was useful in more than one way.

Sue wrote eloquently, and her descriptions were lively. The sex was developed naturally, explicit yet very traditional, and sexy as hell.

One question though: how strong are glass that had just been blown, and cool down to temperatures that can be handled without special equipment and harmless? If you know, tell us in the comments.

Sex: 10 (This. Is. Lava. Or molten glass.)
Writing: 10 (Well written, enough said.)
Story: 9 (It was not as unusual as her other stories, but well construccted nonetheless.)

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[Notice] Monthly writer features

Now that the blog is back on, we are looking for new ideas to spice things up a bit. One of them is the idea of writer features.

To most of you, when I mention how tender and realistic Uther Pendragon’s “Brennan” series was, or now wonderful it was when
Sandman got featured in a Janey story and write one back, I guess the reaction would be: “Huh?” Unless you have been through
the Goldne Age of 90’s A.S.S., the scene back then might be a little difficult to follow.

That’s why we will feature every month prominent A.S.S. authors back in the 90’s. Some of them are still around, most of them
were already retired (some had actually retired from this world, too). We will have an introduction at the beginning of the
month, a sort of “Felix’s view” of the author featured. Then every Friday, there will be reviews of that author’s famous work.

This month, SueNH will be our first writer featured. Enjoy~


[Michael K. Smith] Dancing in the Dark

甜故、情色故事,題材如一般小説故事一樣,包羅萬有。除了少不了嘅「動作場面」,亦不時會探討與性有關的人際關係,例如家庭。Dancing in the Dark正是其中一個如此的小故事。








Sex stories had many forms. From the weird to the plain and simple, there are a lot of angles to tackle the human interaction of sex and its related factors. This is one way to look at it.

John and Diane are the usual just married couple making ends meet together. One day, John arrived home and found Diane sacked from her job. The discussion about the future and how to handle the situation led to unexpected outcomes. That’s it. I won’t spoil the end, as it was quite warm and fuzzy and telling it would ruin the effects.

We have an author (my favorite being “Charly the Yard Guy”, “Dating Ritual”, “Molly in Suspense”, and the story we have here) which went in detail to describe the environment, to set the stage for the problem (Diane’s sacking) to surface, and to show the interaction: Diane panicked about the future, while John solve the issue and be the anchor for Diane. The conversation was well constructed and felt real. I was never married, and yet found their discussion realistic. The feelings were raw and direct, which add to the authenticity.

The sex is subdued yet intense. Not much details, yet it was natural and realistic, just like the rest of the story. It’s a snippet from a couple’s life, and while it was almost voyeuristic, it was nevertheless a delight to read.

Sex: 8 (a bit vanilla and subdued, but the emotion ran through hot and steamy.)

Writing: 9 (Well constructed and effortless to read.)

Story: 9 (Realistic and logical and tender, all roll into one.)

You can find all of the stories from Mr. Smith on his ASSTR page.


Hello there. You are still here, right? Good “It’s been a long time. How have you been?” (In the tone of GLaDos, the killer AI in the Portal series.)
Just joking. I haven’t wrote much for a long while. But here I am, back in business. It’s good to know that there are still things I want to write about

During the time of my absence, among personal issues, work and other things, I thought about this blog. What’s the purpose of reviewing old smut?

At the beginning, the reason for reviewing sex stories is to share the “good stuff” I found, back in the days of anon mail, when decent people with somewhat indecent minds wrote smut and share them using aliases. They bent the rules to express their ideas, freeing their imagination, and found kindred spirits online.

Nowadays, while information flow freely, sex and its related industries flourishes, the “scene” was boring to say the least. When all you have to do is hitting Pornhub or Xvideo for porn, and Chaturbate to see real-time sex show for free, there are very little left for the imagination. And I found the lack of imagination disturbing (insert heavy breathing, alas Darth Vader).

You see, when legitimate literature with sex was banned as “obscene”, we have books like Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Lolita and Story of O. In bending or breaking the social norm of the 1950’s, the authors of these literature challenge the reality, with the world around it as well. Pornhub should give these books a big thanks.

The stories I found and shared are, in a smaller scale, in the same category. In the stagnant environment we are in right now, I think a little smut won’t hurt. Maybe someone would read these stories and find motivation to imagine, to write their own stories, to shake up the social environment in their own very personal way. One can only hope.

Besides, most of them are pretty good read (not to mention good writing).

There’s more to come, stay tuned.

[M1ke Hunt] Some Things Just Happen

M1ke Hunt係一個好風趣嘅作家。(家陣重係咪就唔清楚喇,好耐無見過佢出現囉)另一方面,佢係一個滿腦子只有性嘅正常男人。所以,佢寫嘅故事,通常都係活色生香,同時又令你捧腹大笑。但呢一篇小故事,則有啲唔同。



有時我覺得寫得好嘅甜故真係好睇過電視。M1Ke Hunt嘅故事就一定好睇過師奶劇啦,要男歡女愛有,要枕頭又有,有啲遺憾嘅結局都有,重要畀到讀者想像空間去妄想。(笑



M1ke Hunt was funny (can’t tell now, as we haven’t seen anything from him for ages). He was also always thinking about sex. The stuff he wrote were hilarious, outrageously immoral, and incredibly sexy. “Some Things Just Happen” is one of the exceptions (the sex and fun are still here, though).

We have Mike the red-blood sex hound in a park, reading. He met a nice married woman called Penny, got caught in a thunderstorm with her together, and seek refuge from the rain, first under a tree, then to Mike’s house. There were no planning on seduction, just a moment of tenderness between two person, and then sparks fly in an exciting way.

Mike’s stories are almost always about him being a witty womanizer, getting himself into funny situations and wind up having sex with the ladies involved. Sometimes with his wife as well.(!) But none of that is here. In here, he seemed smitten by Penny. They sure as hell enjoyed their escapade much. The plot is simple enough, yet remind me of movies like “When Harry Met Sally”, without the marriage and keep the sex, thank you very much.

As I always say, good smut can be better than TV. Sometimes, I guess people don’t need intrigue. They don’t need family feud. They don’t need explosions and flashes. I think all they really need are tender moments, if only to rekindle their own moments with their loved ones. Or for those who are by themselves, a reminder that relationships, even as fleeting as this one, is worth pursuing in their lifetimes.

Ah, one more thing: the sex. It was tender, it was juicy, it was fabulous. So unlike Mike’s other works, but as much enjoyable as it can be, among the best of Internet sex stories.

Sex: 10 (Hot and steamy, very nice and smooth escalation to the actual scene. Emotion restraint at the right moment.)
Writing: 9 (Top value writing, one of the best, if not for ASS, then for M1ke’s. Some slight issues on choice of words, but had no effect on readability.)
Story: 9 (Tender, gentle, with a hint of longing. Top notch.)

Year Posted: 1997
Link: http://www.asstr.org/~BitBard/forray/m1ke/happen.html

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[Delta] The Good Neighbor


生無可戀。絕望的人通常都會如此形容他們的情況。但事實是否如此?Delta在「The Good Neighbor」嘗試以第三者角度解答這個問題。







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早一陣子有朋友在本博的Facebook page上留言,希望可以在博文內加上故事的連結。

雖然在開始這博之初為免給衛道之士找麻煩,決定不加連結,但近來再有文章出爐,便發現不太方便。始終,會去Google Groups爬舊文章的網民,實在是小數中的小數。

所以由即日起,所有新舊文章都附有有關故事的Google Groups連結。希望可以便利大家。

順帶一提,由於“You Are Reading What?”的Facebook Page已設定為未成年不能閱讀,所以已有足夠保障。而如果能自己找到網頁的話,我要講一句:「你好!雖然我選的故事對英語寫作有相當幫助,但礙於内容關係,都係到成年時再睇吧。」

alt.sex.stories.moderated 網址:https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/alt.sex.stories.moderated
alt.sex.stories.d 網址:https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/alt.sex.stories.d


[Sandman] Sorrows End

A hermit in Alaska witnessed a plane crash, and saved two ladies from the wreckage. With weather deteriorating, they were stucked in a cabin until the next Spring. What will happen?

This is one of the best stories I had read from the author Sandman (later known as BitBard). The guy (we learn of this in a subsequent story that he should be one) was known for well-written stories of either the strange, or of tenderness. Aside from some slight typo issues, this story is of the latter category.

We have well developed, three dimension characters: Jack the hermit, who sworn off civilization out of the lack of belonging; Linda, the lady looking for the right guy in Alaska; Alice, the heavily pregnant sister of Linda; and the wolf, who also sworn off clan life to co-exist with Jack. The setting is small enough that something’s bound to happen, but not the kind we are accustomed to. I can’t tell more but to spoil the story, so you just have to read it yourself. The sex is steamy but well controlled and short. It feels authentic, well timed, and tamed.

The typos happened somewhat higher than usual, but not frequent enough to spoil the reading experience. You can just ignore them

If you are looking for a sweet story that start with a tragedy and ends with a pleasant ending, this is the one for you.

Sex scene: 8 (Hot and tender, just the way I like it~)
Writing: 7 (A tad too much typos for the reader)
Story: 9 (A bit predictable, but still tender and romantic.)

Year posted: 1998
Link: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/alt.sex.stories.moderated/UJLM7T_gkic/discussion

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